Do you believe in God?

Have you ever pondered the existence of God. Someone asked me my religious views in a very important interview – meaning she is the love of my life and was trying to learn more about me.

I had to think about it – and I think Sam with his Jewish upbringing (wonderful religion imo) would most certainly say – there was and he was everywhere and all things.

Truth is I am not sure I would use the word “God” as if he was a person but rather yes there is a higher power. Things have happened that seem to balance life out – or circumstances you can’t explain – that happen.

A while back someone in need was helped and he “prayed” over me to thank me. It was a moving experience having a person who is a hard believer in GOD, pray over you. But since then I can’t explain the run of luck I am on.

The question is said tongue in cheek – to catch your attention and to draw you to read about the Juju at the Craps table. No doubt the greatest draw to playing Craps is that feeling when you are at the table and the dice turn hot – you are a band of brothers – yelling and screaming. And then the inevitable happens – the dice go off the table, or the stick change or drink girls interrupt the shooter.

Is there a Craps God who now decides to stop all positive JuJu at the table – and convert the dice to Satan’s illegitimate children. I mean come on.

I told a novice player beside me that dice off the table is a very good thing – and he looked at me bewildered thinking everything he had heard up until that point meant a certain seven out. Sure enough on the next role – two Texas stars and a point ten is made by the shooter – SEE I tell him, Good Juju.

So yes there is a higher Craps power. He rewards those that follow his rules – stay patient, bet aggressively on hot hands, be courteous and above all believe you will win – if you play like a smart gambler.

And I do believe there is a higher power and all things are connected – be a good person – take care of others and it will all come back to you on the felt.

Have a blessed Day.

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